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Frequently Asked Questions
Age Range
We offer two types of classes:
Baby Wonders is for littles that can sit supported to 17 months.
Wild Wonders classes are designed for children ages 18 months to 4 years and their caregivers.
Class Days and Duration
Class days vary per season and depend on teacher availability and participating family's preference.
Each class session lasts between 45 to 60 minutes depending on the craft or exploration for that day.
​Season Length
We host 8-week sessions during the following seasons
Fall (October–November)
Winter (January–February)
Spring (March to May)​​
​Summer classes are offered as individual sessions rather than an 8-week series.
Class Locations​
All classes take place at the same park location within the Verrado Community.
The specific park location may change between seasons.
Class Policies
Sibling Attendance
Refund Policy
Sick Policy
Make-Up Policy
Missed Sessions
Inclement Weather
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